MBF Knowledge Base

How do I convert from old encoding to strict UTF?


From version 8.9,  Icewarp uses strict UTF encoding. This article shows how to convert from old encoding to UTF.



A script is provided with the Icewarp installation to convert the following data:


Address Books



Account Names

To perform the conversion please do the following:

Locate the file convert_user_data.html in the following directory  : Icewarp>/html/admin/tools/.

Rename this file to convert_user_data.php.

Open this file using the Icewarp WebServer.

e.g. https://<servername>/admin/tools/convert_user_data.php


Select the charset of the source data from the dropdown list.

Press the Submit Query button.

The script will now convert your data.

We recommend that you rename the script back to convert_user_data.html after you run it for security reasons.