MBF Knowledge Base

Attempts to update Account Settings result in the "Directory Record with the specified DN is not found" error. What do I do?

This error appears when the Directory Integration option is enabled. This option tells the CommuniGate Pro Server to update the Account record in the Central Directory every time the Account Settings are updated. If the Directory does not contain a record for that account, the error message is returned. Account records may be missing in the Directory if the Accounts were created when the Directory Integration option was disabled.

To fix the problem, open the Domain Settings and find the Directory Integration panel. Click the Delete All button. It will remove all Domain object records from the Directory. Then click the Insert All button. The CommuniGate Pro Server will create a Directory record for the Domain, and then it will create Directory records for all Domain Objects (Accounts, Groups, Mailing Lists).

Note: if the Domain contains more than 100,000 Accounts, the Insert All operation can take several minutes.