MBF Knowledge Base

How to export an SSL certificate to Base-64 encoded format so Smartermail can read it.

Prior to configuring SmarterMail to be secured over SSL or TLS, the SSL certificate installed on the server must first be exported to a Base-64 Encoded certificate that is readable by SmarterMail.

Follow these steps to export your SSL certificate to a Base-64 encoded certificate file:

Sign into the Windows server in which SmarterMail is installed

Click Start, select Run

Type MMC, press enter.

Navigate to File -> Add\Remove Snap ins

In the available snap-ins column select Certificates and hit Add

A new window will appear, choose Computer account and hit next.

Ensure local computer is selected and hit finish.

Now there will be a certificate tree view, expand Personal, and choose certificates.

Right click the certificate in which you wish to export -> All Tasks -> Export.

A new window will appear, hit next.

Do not export private key’s -> Next

Save as a base64 x509 .cer file -> Next

Choose a save location such as C:\SmarterMail\Certificates\<SiteName> - Name the certificate, click Save.