MBF Knowledge Base

How to install an SSL certificate for SmarterMail webmail

Note: in order to generate an SSL certificate for SmarterMail webmail you must have an "A" record in the DNS zone for the domain you are working with that points to the server IP address that you are working on.

1) Connect to the server you are working with using a remote desktop program of your choice.


2) Download and install Certify The Web


3) Launch IIS and pop down the dropdown arrow next to the server name then the dropdown arrow for Sites.


4) Right click on the SmarterMail site and click Edit Bindings.


5) Click Add on the right side of the screen and enter the domain name that you are adding the SSL certificate for. Save then close IIS.


6) Launch Certify The Web then click New Certificate. If this is the first certificate you are adding, you will need to register a contact.


7) Pop down the Select Site dropdown box and select SmarterMail. Click Save.


8) Click Test on the right side of the screen, make sure the test is successful before proceeding.


9) Click Request Certificate then the SSL certificate should be issued and deployed.