MBF Knowledge Base

How to install SmarterMail on a Windows server

1) Connect to the server you are working with using a remote desktop program of your choice.


2) Launch a browser and navigate to https://smartertools.com/


3) Hover over the SmarterMail tab then click Downloads. Click Download Windows Installer.


4) Locate the SmarterMail installer file and launch it. Proceed through the installation flow.


5) Once the install has completed, launch Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager.


6) Pop down the dropdown arrow next to the server name then the dropdown arrow for Sites.


4) Right click on the SmarterMail site and click Edit Bindings.


7) Click the binding for port 9998 then click Edit on the right side of the screen.


8) Pop down the IP address box and select the IP you want to use for webmail, change the port number to 80.


9) Return to the browser and enter the IP address that you selected in IIS. The SmarterMail webmail admin interface should be displayed.


10) Enter an administrator username and secure password of your choosing then ensure the data path is correct.