How to run Sniffer in debug mode
Message Sniffer has extensive exception handling and error logging already built in. However, if you need just a bit of extra data there is a way to put SNFServer and SNFClient into a debug mode to show you more about what's going on.
First of all, you can launch SNFServer from the command line instead of running it as a service/daemon. This will show you real-time telemetry.
SNFServer also has a debug mode which produces a thread staus report. To launch SNFServer in debug mode either run it in a path that includes the word debug such as /sniffer/debug/SNFServer.exe ... or you can rename SNFServer.exe to SNFDebugServer.exe.
The SNFClient also has a debug mode that will display the entire XCI conversation. This is useful not only for debugging purposes but also for examining the XCI conversation in detail if you are a developer creating your own software that talks to SNF's XCI interface.
To run SNFClient in debug mode either run it in a path that includes the word debug such as
/sniffer/debug/SNFClient.exe ... or rename SNFClient.exe to SNFDebugClient.exe.