MBF Knowledge Base

How do I install and configure Pyzor in Zimbra?

As root, install python support.

yum install python

Get pyzor package from pyzor.sourceforge.net, untar it and:

python setup.py build
python setup.py install

Set perms according with pyzor readme:

chmod -R a+rX /usr/share/doc/pyzor /usr/lib/python2.3/site-packages/pyzor /usr/bin/pyzor /usr/bin/pyzord

Set perms for RHEL 5 x86_64 slightly different than above:

chmod -R a+rX /usr/share/doc/pyzor /usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/pyzor/usr/local/bin/pyzor /usr/bin/pyzord

Configuring Pyzor:

Create .pyzor folder into zimbra-amavisd home and set perms

mkdir /opt/zimbra/amavisd/.pyzor; chown zimbra:zimbra /opt/zimbra/amavisd/.pyzor

Open your firewall ports for pyzor (UDP/24441 outgoing)

And ready to go, as zimbra user, with:

pyzor --homedir /opt/zimbra/amavisd/.pyzor discover


Enable Pyzor:

Edit /opt/zimbra/conf/spamassassin/v310.pre and uncomment line

loadplugin Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::Pyzor

Open your spamassassin config at /opt/zimbra/conf/spamassassin/local.cf and add this rule:

use_pyzor 1